You're Bacon Me Crazy

You're Bacon Me Crazy It's time to compare our budding relationship to these over-ripe persimmons! Because, why wouldn't we? Synopsis: Cleo is a stuck-up food truck owner who hates sit-down restaurants, has a horrifying fake Italian accent and is dying to win Portland's "City of Roses: Food Truck Competition". No really, guys. That's the name of the competition. Sam is a bacon-loving rival food truck owner who just can't seem to stay in one place for very long. Will competing for the title of Lamest Food Truck in the Greater Portland area halt their burgeoning love story or will bacon have the power to bring them together? Let's be honest, the only reason why we are watching this movie is because it has BACON in the title. Favorite Line: Norma: What may I ask is the sauce made from? Cleo: LOVE. VOMIT. Random Thoughts We Had During this Movie: Cleo's quirky! She rides a moped! Sam's listening to ro...